廠家直銷 柚木家具 實木家具

        品牌: 泰倫斯特
        單價: 面議
        起訂: 5 件
        供貨總量: 50 件
        發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 7 天內(nèi)發(fā)貨
        所在地: 上海
        有效期至: 長期有效
        最后更新: 2011-10-27 16:41
        瀏覽次數(shù): 806


            工廠獲得ISO9000、14001質(zhì)量體系認證。在成功打造并運營了“美點。喬倫菲”品牌后,又在2010年開發(fā)并推出了目標定位在中高檔市場的‘泰倫斯特’品牌實木系列。憑借自身的生產(chǎn)實力和營銷策略,在短時間內(nèi)獲得了消費者的青睞,不論產(chǎn)品的設計理念還是性價比都贏得了市場的認可。在未來的時間里,發(fā)展空間巨大,她已逐步在全國各城市建立起系統(tǒng)的營銷網(wǎng)絡,并率先成為國內(nèi)擁有完美產(chǎn)/供/銷系統(tǒng)的家具商之一,以其非凡的眼光做最有效的投資,‘泰倫斯特’已經(jīng)成為中國家具的知名品牌之一。Shanghai filled with furniture factory was established in 1998, after more than 10 years of stormy history, employees have more than 300 people, has grown into one with a strong financial backing and capital operation ability of furniture enterprises. We introduce Italy automated production lines and advanced processing technology, high-quality imported Burma teak to create high quality green wood furniture.

        The factory was ISO9000, 14001 quality system certification. The success to build and operate the "beauty. Qiao Lunfei" brand, and in 2010 the development and launch of the target positioning in the high-end market ' Terrence ' brand series of solid wood. By virtue of its own strength of the production and marketing strategies, in a short period of time to obtain the favor of consumers, regardless of product design is still cost-effective market have won recognition. In the future years, a huge space for development, she has gradually in the city and establish a system of marketing network, and the first to become the perfect production / supply / pin system furniture manufacturers, with its extraordinary vision to do the most effective investment, ' Terrence ' has become China's well-known brands of furniture.

        柚木家具全國招商 實木家具全國招商 柚木家具 全國招商 柚木家具  全國招商中 柚木家具 全國招代理 廠家直銷  100%純實木家具  100%柚木家具 廠家直銷   柚木家具   實木家具 廠家直銷  柚木家具  實木家具