
           日期:2016-08-18     來源:深圳家具·設計    作者:陳靜卉    評論:0    
        核心提示:設計師:葛亞曦 項目面積:670平米 項目地點:中國 ? 上海 項目名稱:上海旭輝鉑悅?濱江C戶型別墅 軟裝設計:LSDCASA事業(yè)一部


              必須體現(xiàn)時代精神,超前并不意味著對虛幻理想的趨鶩, 實驗也不等于盲目實踐。而挑戰(zhàn)陳規(guī), 勇于探險, 實現(xiàn)對現(xiàn)實存在的超越, 引領變革的新風, 則是真正的藝術應有的品格。
              True arts shall exhibit spirits of an age, and transcendence never means full follow-up of illusory ideals, and experiments never for blind attempts. And challenges over stereotypes and boldness to venture out, for realization of transcendence over reality, will lead the atmosphere of reformation, and comes out to be the character which arts shall have.

              CIFI Park Mansion Villa, Shanghai is located in the core of Lujiazui, and a mile residential development of CIFI Group. Provided by the prestigious designer LSDcasa, the interior designing presents deluxe house experiences. Passing on the unique Shanghai regional culture, LSDcasa refrains in designs from following up the typical ART-DECO fashions of the period of the Republic of China in Shanghai, while extending the most pious nostalgia and utmost innovation of Shanghai in its top ages, and interpreting Shanghai’s cosmopolitism on blending of modern styles with neo-classism.

               Interior furnishing and designing continue the neo-classism styles of the building and house internal, while basing on such to exhibiting inclusive space of aesthetic powers. The designs block out vague image of forms and labels, and emphasize to match the style with lifestyle of the wealthy group, thus promoting sole visible appeal of power and fortune to be needs for morality, order, joys and warmth in life, therefore presenting touching details in living space.

              The cold black, the wise khaki, the lively Hermes orange, and controlled spruce green, all contribute to exhibit the modernist color aesthetics. In furniture, designer prevents showy complexity, and adopts arrangement of wood and metal making. Simple lines and nice-looking patterns fill the space with flowing atmosphere and enjoyable feel, thus turning life state and aesthetic awareness into invisible but sensible and enjoyable design language. 

              一層是客廳與餐廳,色彩是這里最大的禮贊,設計師以沉穩(wěn)大氣的咖啡色為色彩基調(diào),搭配冷艷的云杉綠、璀璨的金色和黑白經(jīng)典,從天花到四周,從家具到靠墊,從飾品到綠植,無不展現(xiàn)了待客空間的華貴。有力量感的進口品牌Promemoria沙發(fā)、minotti 大理石茶幾和設計師原創(chuàng)品牌再造家具生動巧妙地并置,在比例、情緒和故事間平衡出了無限的舒適,鏈接起了空間的藝術性。
             On first floor is the living-room and kitchen, where the colors prove the utmost grace. Designer adopts base tone of controlled and stable coffee color, while blending with cold yet noble spruce green, splendid golden and white-black classics, exhibiting full splendor and nobility of the space from ceiling to full internal, from furniture to back cushions, from furnishings to green plants. The imported Promemoria brand sofa with full sense of power, the Minotti marble tea table, and the designer original brand remade furniture meet and co-exist, to showcase unbound comforts, and link out art tastes of the space basing on balance of symmetry, emotions, and stories.

               The dining hall takes the main tone of controlled khaki color and combines with white-color dining ware and finely dotted flower arrangements. The relax hall beside the dining hall opens for both the grace of famous family in banquets and the cultural outlook, and presents full space arrangement on oriental-western blending, thus rewarding a balanced and elegant atmosphere for dine.

              The second floor is for bedrooms featuring balanced colors and full arrangement of space. Cream and coffee colors prepare the base tone here, over which the designer relies on varied extent of introduction of orange and blue color. Lively, or refrained, private space is there for different persons living in.

              The main bedroom on the third floor features controlled grey and black for main tone. The designer original bedding and leisure chair which combine with geometrical patterned carpet, and simple yet powerful design language, contribute to work out a comfortable space with unique sense of power. In the studio, all treasure collections and furnishing articles let in varied tastes. Through deliberation of details, the male master’s pursuit for quality life, under refined appearance, finds perfect interpretation.

        The first floor underground is for master’s entertainment and leisure spending, and room for cigar, where free exchange is ensured, and bustles of life are shielded from full tranquility. Taking the controlled coffee color for basic tone, designer blends world top furniture here to make unique fashion. 

               頂層是女主人的花房和孩子們的畫室,設計追求素雅自然之美,家具的選擇上,強調(diào)自然材料的運用以及精致的細節(jié)把握,以生活為內(nèi)容,營造 “花怡境幽,禪意自得”的生活情境。
               The top floor is female master’s flower house and kids’ painting room. Designing here pursues the beauty of unrefined and simple nature. In selection of furniture, designer focuses on natural materials and control of details, thus to present a Secluded Space in Flowers & Enjoyable Environment with Zen Taste basing on contents of life.  

              Designing of the whole mansion house is more like art works with unique charms and remarkable senses. Time evolves to arts, and life sublimes.

        設計師葛亞曦  Kot
        LSDCASA及再造創(chuàng)始人兼藝術總監(jiān),清華大學和同濟大學軟裝設計班客座教授。他提出的“立于潮流之外,藝術構建生活”的理念,倡導生活方式的獨特性,不盲從主流,忠于自我。作品曾榮獲倫敦SBID國際大獎住宅類金獎;入選Andrew Martin室內(nèi)設計年鑒。

        標簽: 葛亞曦 家居 設計
