餐桌上的風景Scenery on the table

           日期:2017-09-27     來源:深圳家具·設計    作者:翁茜    評論:0    
        核心提示:蠟燭表面以精巧的條紋溝槽做裝飾,桌布細節(jié)精湛,餐巾紙則用優(yōu)美的筆畫營造美麗圖案。Table Tableau系列為你的餐桌提供了豐富的裝飾元素,讓飲食環(huán)境錦上添花,無論是簡單的晚餐還是節(jié)日聚會。

        小小的一張桌子,彰顯自己的時尚魅力。這就是Norman Copenhagen的新系列Table Tableau,設計了一套經(jīng)典的桌面擺設,融合創(chuàng)意和傳統(tǒng)美學打造漂亮的桌面風景。設計機構Femmes Régionales設計了這個系列,包括桌布、餐巾紙和蠟燭,均以藝術噴繪的方式創(chuàng)造出可口美味的色彩。

        蠟燭表面以精巧的條紋溝槽做裝飾,桌布細節(jié)精湛,餐巾紙則用優(yōu)美的筆畫營造美麗圖案。Table Tableau系列為你的餐桌提供了豐富的裝飾元素,讓飲食環(huán)境錦上添花,無論是簡單的晚餐還是節(jié)日聚會。“過去,將餐桌打扮得美輪美奐是一件非常重要的事情,這表明主人愿意花費大量時間去為客人創(chuàng)造一個高端、高品位的環(huán)境。而如今快節(jié)奏的生活中已經(jīng)很少有人會這么做”,F(xiàn)emmes Régionales說道,他希望這個系列能夠啟發(fā)人們發(fā)掘裝點餐桌的樂趣和意義。





         Little table, spread thyself! Table Tableau is Norman Copenhagen's take on the classic table setting, and an invitation to bring back old virtues and make an effort with a beautifully set table. Design agency Femmes Régionales is behind the collection, which consists of tablecloths, napkins and candles in artistic prints and appetising colour combinations.

        An open interpretation of older virtues

        Block candles with delicate, grooved surfaces, tablecloths with golden details, and cloth napkins with delectable patterns in light brushstrokes. Table Tableau offers a range of gorgeous items for your table setting, which will put the icing on the cake at any meal, whether it's a simple dinner or a festive gathering. "The ability to set a beautiful table was a highly-regarded virtue in days gone by. It signalled refinement and indicated that one had invested time in creating a special setting for one's guests. A level of care and immersion that seems to have been left behind in today's busy, digitised way of life," say Femmes Régionales, who hope that Table Tableau will inspire people to rediscover the joy of table setting.

        "Table setting should be a game. Make your own rules and go all the way!" say the creative ladies encouragingly. The collection's various elements can be mixed and matched in elegant, colour-coordinated combinations, or completely wild pattern mixes. The colour scale is based on a combination of classic colours and a balanced series of accents, including a few wildcards in the form of orange, pale apple green, and metallic gold.

        The collection includes five seductive prints: three organic patterns with a hand-drawn feel, which reference tendencies within fashion, art and interior design; and two geometric patterns, which draw upon a rich heritage within interior and textile design.

        Each print is named after the word 'cheers' in different languages, together with a city from the country where that language is spoken: e.g. Salute Rome or Kampai Kyoto. The different prints can also cunningly serve as inspiration for festive themes. How about setting the table for an extravagant Italian pool party or a ceremonial Japanese breakfast? By making small changes to the combination of candles, cloths and napkins, it is possible to create multiple expressions and introduce new themes to every occasion.

        As a nice, little detail, each of the products is packaged up with its own tone of voice, related to the world of hosting, guests and table settings. Each item has been bestowed with a positive attribute, which characterises the perfect guest or host. For example, the collection includes A well-behaved candle (will last you from starter to nightcap) and 20 charming napkins (a bit of colour to keep you clean).

        標簽: 餐桌 設計 裝飾
