
           日期:2017-12-06     來源:深圳家具·設(shè)計    作者:黃延丁    評論:0    
        核心提示:受電源插座的啟發(fā),One Piece Organize將桌上的一切用具收納起來,創(chuàng)造出有序的美感。該系統(tǒng)有三款樣式,每個款式有兩種漸變色,針對不同人群的使用習慣提供最佳的建議。
         One Piece Organizer是一款式極簡化的桌面解決方案,它是為 Normann Copenhagen 設(shè)計的 One Piece 桌面收納。將一整塊材料進行合理的切割和處理,凹槽的形狀和位置暗示用戶對自己的工具進行合理的取舍和優(yōu)雅的擺放。

        One Piece Organizer is a smart and decorative storage solution for the office, crafted from a single piece of material. The One Piece organizer’s various slots meticulously store your office tools and turn the job of keeping things neat and tidy into a fun experience. 

        受電源插座的啟發(fā),One Piece Organize將桌上的一切用具收納起來,創(chuàng)造出有序的美感。該系統(tǒng)有三款樣式,每個款式有兩種漸變色,針對不同人群的使用習慣提供最佳的建議。
        Inspired by how extension sockets bring electrical devices together, the One Piece Organizer unites everything used on the desk, creating beauty through simple order. 

        We designed many different variations of slot shapes before we found the best arrangement. While it was exciting to come up with new features, it was, in equal measure, as difficult a process getting rid of the unnecessary elements and keeping only what was essential. We ended up with three versions, which are each suited for different needs.
        Classic 經(jīng)典款:適合普通辦公人士??梢苑胖酶黝惓叽绲墓P、直尺、卡片、小工具等等;Architect 建筑師款:適合建筑設(shè)計行業(yè)人士??梢苑胖么蟪叽绲墓P、繪圖工具、計算器等等;Geek 極客款:適合數(shù)碼設(shè)備愛好者??梢苑攀謾C、平板電腦、儲存設(shè)備和電池等等。

        ‘The Classic’ is designed for everyday office work, with space for different-sized pens, a ruler, cards, notes, scissors, paperclips, and more. ‘The Architect’ is for creative souls, with room for bulky marker pens, drawing materials and calculator. Last but not least, ‘the Geek’ is for those who can’t go without their electronic gadgets; it can hold, among other things, a phone, a tablet and batteries. 

        One Piece Organizer在2016年斯德哥爾摩家具展上展出的原型獲得了不少好評,其實但在這之前設(shè)計師們還在柏林的工廠里痛苦打樣。事先詢問過好幾家工廠,都因為達不到生產(chǎn)的要求而放棄。最后幸運地找到一家擁有頂級工業(yè)水準數(shù)控車床的工廠,拿到手的成品還是讓大家感到非常驚喜和滿意。
