百變 玻璃燈

           日期:2017-12-25     來源:深圳家具·設(shè)計    作者:翁茜    評論:0    
        ICE 吊燈打破了捷克吹制玻璃工藝傳統(tǒng)造型的窠臼,以棱角分明的設(shè)計挑戰(zhàn)極致 視覺享受。多種幾何造型被別出新裁的扭轉(zhuǎn)拼接,在高達(dá)1 米的等邊三角形體中打造出奇妙的絢影效果。燈具中的三角體可組合出多重拼接方案,可以風(fēng)格迥異的多元化造型搭配不同的空間設(shè)計。Libeskind 還通過玻璃的反射和折射作用 為每一束光影營造出棱鏡般的炫目美感,整座燈具形似一組五光十色的玻璃鐘乳石或冰錐,令觀者浮想聯(lián)翩,仿佛置身于英國新浪潮科幻作家 JG Ballard 打造的晶瑩的水晶森林中。


        Working with the master craftsmen at the Lasvit factory in the Czech Republic, Libeskind has created a bold, geometric chandelier that achieves a ‘one-of-a-kind’ luminosity through the delicate and fluid quality of hand-blown glass. The Ice chandelieris made up of clear glass ‘cells,’ blown into angular molds and then clustered together in a series of puzzle-like, triangular patterns. These modular patterns can be twisted and turned into any number of horizontal compositions to suit a wide variety of spaces. Like stalactite soricicles, the glass form scapture light, refracting it into prisms, so that each column glows in unpredictable ways.
        Inhale Lamp
        “Inhale Lamp”(吸氣燈)的制作方法是先將玻璃吹制成氣泡形,然后再吸走玻璃氣泡中的空氣。傳統(tǒng)的做法是將空氣吹進(jìn)熔融狀態(tài)下的玻璃材料中,以創(chuàng)造既定的形態(tài)。然而,nendo卻顛倒了這一做法,利用空氣負(fù)壓來制作。

        This lamp was formed by blowing glass into the form of an air bubble then sucking the air away. Ordinarily, glass is made by blowing air into the molten material. The inhale lamp, on the other hand, comes from the act of inhaling. It‘s a form created by negative air pressure.

        Neverending Glory
        Neverending Glory系列充滿懷舊氣息,并以新方式重新詮釋奢華的蠟燭吊燈,以展現(xiàn)蘊(yùn)含贊賞和榮耀的美好時刻。該系列作品分別位于全球五大音樂廳和劇場:米蘭斯卡拉歌劇院、巴黎歌劇院、紐約大都會歌劇院、莫斯科大劇院及布拉格莊園劇院,其獨(dú)特的經(jīng)典造型能讓人一眼識別出來。

        The Neverending Glory collection reflects nostalgice motions and interpret sopulent candle chandeliers in new way to symbolize prime moments of appreciation and glory. In individual silhouettesit is possible to recognize iconic chandeliers from five of the world’s most eminent concert halls and theaters; La Scala in Milan, Palais Garnier in Paris, the Metropolitan Opera in New York, the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, but also the Czech Republic’s Estates Theater in Prague.

        Prato Di Fiori
        這款非常規(guī)的Prato Di Fiori燈的靈感來自山地草原上的花。隨機(jī)分散的花有著不同的顏色,組合在一起卻無比和諧。用吹制玻璃技術(shù)和不同的模具手工打造整個燈具,多重交織的形狀和顏色可以點(diǎn)亮任意一個空間。

        The unconventional Prato Di Fiori chandelier is inspired by a mountain meadow in bloom, with randomly scattered ?owers of various colors. Nevertheless, the piece is harmonious as a whole. It is produced with hand-blown components decorated with optic moulds in varied shapes. The multiple mixed shapes and colors brighten every interior.
        Press Lamp
        “Press Lamp”(按壓燈)分為吊燈和地?zé)魞煞N。這個設(shè)計中的玻璃管被擠壓變形,燈泡就安裝在這些被擠壓過的狹小空間中。這種壓縮的手法讓燈具產(chǎn)生了柔軟有機(jī)的形態(tài),同時讓每件產(chǎn)品都有獨(dú)一無二的外形。

        The press design is availabe in two types: a pendant lamp and a floor lamp. In this design, glass tubes are pressed as though they have been pinched, and the light source is fitted into the narrowed space that results. Unusual in the fact that it does not rely on a metal form, the compression of the glass produces a soft, organic form and imbues each lamp with a singular appearance.

        標(biāo)簽: 軟裝 設(shè)計
